Art of Work

Blood, Sweat, & Soil

The Culture War is fought on many levels, perhaps most importantly, within a Man’s heart in relation to his family and emanating concentric circles of influence. If he is to make any positive impact on the world, he must have his house in order, his skills developed, his stamp of the tangible imprinted on his local reality. With that said, he exists in an environment of resources and threats, both natural and conscientious. No man can expect to live healthy existence breathing his own CO2, or drinking the neighborhood sewage, or eating food that’s been poisoned. Many threats in this world are indeed accidental to the harshness of reality (mosquitoes, disease, twisted ankles), however, Western Man has done remarkably well to minimize these dangers through ingenuity. . One menace he’s struggled to escape is the problem of conscious evil, i.e. wickedness.

This pair examines the Male and Female roles in building and defending culture, blossoming from the heart outwards, and consciously destroying any force or group that would seek to destroy it.

Male (Right Shoe)

Man expresses the creative action through concept to design (Sepia-Tone) to artifice. Ideally, his inventiveness allows for a simplification of life’s challenges and dependencies (Windmills), not an escape from them (PornHub). He serves his posterity through domestication of the wild (Fruit Trees, carpentry), mechanization of the inanimate (planes, cars, energy capture), and leadership of the smallest form of the Nation, the Family. His intent and dedication (Bleeding Red Stripes) towards the Natural Order, the LOGOS, enable him to recognize threats within and without the community. Observing historical/repeatable patterns, he serves the Tribe by predicting the effects of long term, even if subtle behaviors leading to larger disparities in outcome.

His honesty feels sharp to the soft-hearted and weak-willed, his concern for the future (prep for winter) feels like neglect of the present, his strength appears accidental, rather than the fruit of conscious intention towards the domestication of the chaotic and dominance of the wicked. Just as the shepherd must be tougher and smarter that the wolves that seek to devour his sheep, the Man must outwit and out-sacrifice (Red Cross clung to by the Raven of Death) the apathy of nature and the evil schemings of vile men (Piled Skulls) that seek to suck the fat off of his People.

He is dedicated to LOGOS.

Female (Left Shoe)

Whereas the Male is called to dominance of the untamed and reprobate to serve as Hero, the Female’s Heroism is found in submission to the pains of birth and service to posterity through nurturing seeds planted by her Male cohort. The feminist lie is that beauty is eternal, rather than a mechanism to inspire (Love) a greater end—i.e. the flower of youth (peak female beauty at age 19-23) is meant to bear fruit to participate in the eternity of the cosmos. Her fruit is most healthy (Flowing River) when the LOGOS of vitality is respected. Her purity (Lotus Flower arising from the muck) ensures proper pair bonding with her wisely selected partner.

She cares for the youth (Woman playing with Child), tends the garden (literally and metaphorically [emotions, psychology, vision]) and she squashes the slithering serpent set on destroying her eggs by a naked (symbolized by Barefoot) embrace of unfettered fertility.

She Works humbly to nourish (Cabbage, Butter Churning, Pest Removal), rather than get career-rich in the worldly sense; she uses her Beauty to inspire Love, rather than garner selfish attention or manipulate simps (dresses modestly for the outside world); she says “YES” to Life despite its inherent challenges, rather than risking her potential participation in Divine Creation for selfish, short-term whims.

Like Man, She is dedicated to LOGOS.


Together, in sacrificing ethereal pleasures, Male and Female can co-create the type of Nation worth handing down to Posterity, a collective of pursuants of the LOGOS—the kind of Nation the rest of the world prefers to live in—the kind of nation’s whose ethics and ideals are encoded into its very Blood.

Available in Men’s size 12/Women’s size 14

Price: $500
